Exceptional Service for Home Sellers and Buyers

Jim Swankler
Jim Swankler
RS330559 PA
North Huntingdon

Jim Swankler epitomizes integrity, energy, hard work, and creativity in every detail of your real estate transaction. Whether you are selling or buying in real estate, you'll enjoy Jim's likeable and engaging personality.

Jim's strong commitment to professional excellence with continuing education and the bench strength of Coldwell Banker, one of the best, worldwide brokerages, Jim provides clients with best-in-class real estate services.

Strong client communication is a hallmark of Jim's professionalism. And as a former educator and a lifelong learner, his guidance and education of clients on every step of the transaction from the very first meeting to the closing table, ensures the very best outcome for them.

Jim's technical competence, social media savvy and reach, marketing and sales experience separates him as a professional of choice.

  • Home Sellers - Why settle for less when you can have an exclusionary marketing plan for your home!
  • Home Buyers - Be informed from the beginning your home search to day-one of going under-contract to the closing table!

Jim's strong commitment to client needs and goals is the hallmark of his success.  Contact Jim today!


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